The following images were shot as spec of how a horse would interact when positioned and/or juxtapositioned in the same image and scene as an electric mountain bike. The campaign idea revoled around the idea of "FOMO" (fear of missing out) - ie, how does NOT having an e-bike illicit FOMO from the consumer?
While horses and e-bikes are two totally different beasts [no pun intended), their use cases are actually quite similar: both can be used in a utilitarian nature, but also for the thrill of effortless speed - and moreover, joy. To ride is to feel speed without compromise; to fly without wings - the closest we can get while maintaining contact with the ground. Early season [and all season riding, for that matter) is about the return to this feeling - and if you're not out there throwing your leg over the metaphorical horse, then the FOMO only gets worse. 
The combination of horse+ bike evokes a unique emotion: e-bikes don't appeal to the "hater" consumers because of their reputation as "cheat codes," their high price point, and their disillusionment of traditional cycling heritage. When positioned against a horse [an animal and tool so ingrained in the progress of transportation and sport), I thought these images had the opportunity to tell a story that lessen the blow of electric bike criticism while maintaining a thought-provoking and arresting purpose.

Photos: Stephen Shelesky
Cyclist: Sam Tarling
Horse rider: Allie Detwiler
Art Direction and Conceptual Design: Jenna Mahaffie
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